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Share Your University Memories

Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth has that ability to leave a lasting impression on you.

Tens of thousand’s of us have passed through the universities doors here in this beautiful mid wales town.

Please feel free to share some of your memories of your time here at Aberystwyth by leaving a comment below.

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3 Responses to “Share Your University Memories”

  • Missing_Aberystwyth says:

    I remember my first year when it snowed in January, flying down Pen Dinas on a bin bag!

    As all the sledges were sold out, i had nothing else i could use.

    And then warming up with a couple of drinks in town. good times!

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  • Ray Husthwaite says:

    This was back in 1976-79 when I was at Aber, I remember a pub, down in the town somewhere, I think in the Queen’s Road area. Because it was then the memory is very degraded but the clear part was the beer, they made their own, it was delicious and called HB (home brew?), it was served in jugs and it was absolutely lethal. I was talking about it to some friends remembering happy days but for the life of me I couldn’t remeber the name of the place, that’s Aber for you!

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  • says:

    Hi Ray.

    Thanks for sharing. This pub wouldn’t have been Scholars by any chance would it??

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