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Walking – Constitution Hill

constitution hill aberystwyth Length: 1.5 Miles

Time: 30 Minutes

Start: Bottom of Cliff Terrace

Finish: Bottom of Cliff Terrace

Rating: Hard

This real lung buster of a short walk is worth every muscle aching minute for the spectacular views of Aberystwyth and beyond available to those who make it to the top.

Climbing over 400 feet up into the sky, in the space of only several hundred metres, the following winding paths up Constitution Hill (affectionally known as Consti) is a great way to wake yourself up in the morning.

On a clear day it is possible to see the Pembroke Coast to the south and Snowdonia to the north, and a long way inland too.

The distance detailed above also takes into account the trip back down. The walk up takes approximately 15 – 20 minutes, and when coming back down, you can easily halve that time!

The local weather station can also be found on top of Constitution Hill, monitoring the atmosphere for the first signs of rain (personally I just look for dark clouds!)

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