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Top 5 Free Aberystwyth Parking Spots

Aberystwyth Free ParkingFree parking in Aberystwyth is a real struggle lets be honest…

And we are all well aware that it is unrealistic to expect local people to pay for parking every time they nip to the shops.

So, as an ex penny pinching student I thought i’d reveal some of the best free parking places in Aberystwyth, along with a few tips.

1. Off South Road:

Above South Road are a number of small backstreets with single yellow lines, including Penmaesglas Road, Prospect Street and Custom House Street.

Because of where they are located, and because they are not very wide you will usually find a couple of spaces to squeeze into for absolutely nothing (well what are bumpers for?).

Its also very quiet on an evening, so for those of you coming into town later on, its definately worth a look!

The only time you can’t park here is on bin day, every Thursday 9am – 1pm. And I wouldn’t risk it, because the warden goes round there to check every week!

2. Buarth Road Hill:

Another of my preferred spots, which tends to be reasonably quiet.

The best place to look is on the climb up the hill from Llanbadarn Road towards the veterinary centre.

I’ve been here in the middle of the day and had the run of the whole kerbside on the odd occasion!

3. Banadl Road And Edge Hill Road

Near to Buarth Road, these two residential streets boast some prime parking spaces so that you can avoid the council car parks.

The best spot is the corner where Banadl Road swings round to join Edge Hill Road, and there is usually plenty of space up here in the day.

However, it does get busier at night when the students get back from campus in their collection of hatchbacks!

4. Dan Y Coed:

A little further out of town this time, but if you don’t mind the walk to avoid the parking charges then its definately worth it.

The first section of this road is all doulbe yellow lines, but a little further up there is plenty of beautiful unspoilt kerbside, without a yellow line in sight.

However, please be courteous and make sure you aren’t blocking peoples driveways!

5. Riverside Terrace Area:

Just short of Trefechan Bridge, Riverside Terrace and the other streets coming off it are good places to look for those elusive free parking spaces!

This area does get quieter at night, but it’s not too bad in the day either!

Don’t be tempted by the retail park opposite, because they have regular patrols and hefty fines…

Other areas to try a little further out of town include and the roads leading to south beach.

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