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Know Your Rights When Parking Your Car

parking aberystwythPeople parking on Aberystwyth’s Rheidol Retail Park have been advised to check back on any parking fines they may have received.

The car park operator Parking Eye is under investigation once again by Ceredigion Trading Standards, after a similar appeal for information was also made in 2009.

The council has received a number of angry complaints from people who feel they have been unfairly treated by Parking Eye.

The action follows the successful court action by Wolverhampton Trading Standards against a private parking firm in the Midlands.

If you have fallen foul of Parking Eye in the past and would like to assist Trading Standards in their investigation, you can find out more about hwo to make contact with them here. We would also like to know more about your experiences of parking in Aberystwyth below!

I have personally fallen victim to Parking Eye, although my £70 fine was dropped after I made up a long winded but believable story about my car keys getting locked in the boot, and not having a spare.

However, to find a more effective (and honest) way of contesting your parking fines, from the council or private parking firms please see this handy guide of things to look out for before making an appeal.

Any by the way, if you really want to park in a timed space and avoid a ticket, there is one half way down Queen Street on your right hand side where you can park all day and legally they can’t give you a ticket as the space isn’t wide enough to fit a car in. Trust me, I parked there all the time when I lived opposite and successfully contested every ticket.

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2 Responses to “Know Your Rights When Parking Your Car”

  • Trevor Jose says:

    re: the Rheidol retail car park, Aberystwyth. I have received last week a Parking notice charge of £80 for overstaying by 13 minutes in this car park. After posting about this on Facebook, I received several replies from people who have received parking notice charges from PArking Eye and have been advised to ignore them, as they have no legal standing as it is a private car car park that is free and tehrefore they have suffered no loss of revenue for a 13 minute overtsay on 2 hours free parking. Apparently, as it is a private car park thet could only make a claim fro non payment in the small claims court, which for that amount I’ve been informed is unlikely. I intend to ignore any reminder letters or letters from debt collection agency. Is this teh best course of action? I did phone Ceredigion CC trading standards, was put through to the national trading standards, who couldnt comment on other contacts re PArking Eye at Rheidol Car park

    VA:F [1.9.17_1161]
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  • says:

    Hello Trevor.

    Thanks for your comment. With regards to parking eye I have looked on the internet and this article may be of interest to you with regards to what you should do:

    Hope this helps!

    VN:F [1.9.17_1161]
    Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)

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