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Talybont Circular Walk

Tal-Y-Bont, CeredigionLength: 7 Miles

Time: 2.5 Hours

Start: Black Lion, Talybont

Finish: Black Lion, Talybont

Difficulty: Medium

This walk offers panoramic views over Borth Bog and the Dyfi Valley into Snowdonia, as well as showing off the areas rich heritage as a mining community.

1. From the Black Lion pub, take the Nant Y Moch road with the pub on your left.
2. As it bends right, fork left at the post box and carry on for 5 minutes until you reach the junction with farm buildings on your right.
3. Bear right at the junction and follow the road with the trees to your left.
4. The road swings right and climbs steeply for 100 metres where it then bends left once again. Instead of bearing left follow the track in front to the farm house ahead.
5. Upon reaching the farm house bear left up the track to the gate, and pass through it immediately going left again.
6. At the next gate, do not go through but bear right and follow the ridge upwards for several hundred metres taking time to admire the view of Talybont behind you.
7. Follow the field boundary fence on your left until you reach a stile beyond the top of the ridge.
8. Cross the stile and immiediately bear right hugging the field boundary.
9. Go through the gate at the top of the field with the wall to your right, and continue straight on keeping wall and fence to your left.
10. You will eventually reach another gate, and after continuing through and down the right side of the next field you will reach a wooden ladder.
11. Go over the ladder and head for the hawthorn trees below and to your left.
12. Cross the stile at the hawthorn trees, and continue following the right hand side of the field boundary until you arrive where the two tracks meet at right angles.
13. At this point bear left along the north bound track until you reach the gate and wonderful views unfold in front of you. On clear days it is possible to see Cadair Idris, the second highest mountain in Wales.
14. Follow the track down through the next field, go through the gate at the bottom and left to the farmhouse.
15. To the right of the farmhouse the track continues through the metal gate.
16. Follow the track downhill and go thorugh the next wooden gate over the stream, and continue following the track to the woods.
17. Pass through the metal gate into the woods and follow the rocky track down the hillside until you reach the wooden gate.
18. Go through the wooden gate into the second set of distinct woodland and after rounding the corner follow the track down the steps on your right along the boundary fence.
19. Where the track splits, head left as it rises away from the village until you reach the forestry road.
20. Cross over the road and pick up the waymarked trail as it rises steeply to the top of the plantation, then cross the stile into the field.
21. From this point head straight for the trees ahead, and right on the trail at the bottom of these trees.
22. At the stream bear left and then ford it, crossing the stile ahead heading for the abandoned farmhouse and outbuildings.
23. From the farmhouse bear right as the track descends down the field until you reach a waymarker.
24. Follow to waymarker straight down the field as you leave the track. You will cross a stile at the bottom of the field and begin to see the old mine workings all around you.
25. Continue to the bottom of this field and cross the next stile, fording the stream in front.
26. Follow the track into the open field, and bear left heading for the trees at the bottom of the slope in the distance.
27. Upon reaching the trees follow the track down to the stile 50 metres ahead and rejoin the road.
28. Bear right and then left at the next junction, and you are now back on the road by the farm buildings.
29. Follow this road back to the village square and where you started.

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One Response to “Talybont Circular Walk”

  • G_Jones says:

    Really enjoyed this walk, thanks very much for posting!

    Looked beautiful with the snow on the mountains, just a shame about the mud over the tops!

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